Clarification of two forms for Wien displacement law 澄清维恩位移定律易混淆的两种形式
Wien's Displacement Law and Greenhouse Effect 维恩位移定律与温室效应
Discussion about testimony of W. Wien displacement law 维恩位移定律的证明
Derive of Wien's Displacement Law and Cultivation of Computing Capability 维恩位移定律的推导和学生计算能力的培养
Planck's law and Wien's displacement law were also introduced to treat the experimental results. 用普朗克定律和维恩位移定律对试验数据进行了处理。
So the new method for compensating the influence of surrounding radiation by twice measurement eliminates the influence of surrounding radiation effectively. 3. A new method for temperature measurement has been proposed based on the Wien displacement law. 本文提出了两次测量的环境补偿新算法,有效消除了环境的影响。3.从维恩位移定律得到启示,提出一种基于光谱测量温度的新方法。